Saturday, April 19, 2008

Work, Work, Work

We traveled back to Bbira today and finished up our work on the classrooms. It was a little hotter than the day before. Rick and Joey were troopers. They spent almost the entire day in the sun. They hardly took any breaks. There were times that only a few people could work at one time, because we would reach certain points where we couldn't lay the brick any higher. They kept working and wouldn't stop. It was frustrating at times for me, because I felt like I needed to be doing something. The men wanted the ladies to rest and the ladies wanted the men to rest. LOL! Several times I heard mention of just how hard the ladies had been working and how proud they were of us. 

Isaac, our foreman told us that he had never had another team work so hard and get so much accomplished. He said he loves to work with Americans, because we are so selfless. That was nice to hear, but also a little odd. Usually you hear of how selfish Americans are, not selfless

When we left, six windows had been set and three doors. The block was laid as high as it could go in one day. We boarded the bus and headed back to the guesthouse for a shower and a hot meal. 

After dinner I went to work on my blog for the church website, then went to bed about 10:00pm, anxious for the next morning. We would attend services at KPC and afterwards, have a traditional Ugandan meal with the families at the Suubi village.

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