Monday, April 14, 2008

Departure Day!

After many days of packing and preparation, we finally departed for Uganda! It was so surreal, so hard to believe. The day of departure was finally here!

When we left, the kids were very excited to be spending two weeks with Meme and Papa. I only hope that their enthusiasm will last and will not wear off after a few days. I, of course, cried when we said our goodbyes. It is so hard leaving them for so long and traveling so far away from them. 

We boarded the plane and departed Phoenix at 7:25 pm. The flight was nine hours and twenty five minutes in length. It was a VERY long flight. Despite my many efforts (which included Melatonin and Diphenhydramine) I was not able to sleep at all. That made for a very long and grumpy flight. As tired as I was, I was still very excited to get to Africa.

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