Saturday, April 26, 2008

Time Together

We spent the day sightseeing in London. We saw the Parliament Building, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The Eye, and Picadilly Circus. I'm sure there was more, but I can't remember them all. London is a beautiful place. It's very quaint and homey. All of the buildings are old, but incredibly clean and well kept. I love the architecture of the buildings. This is one place overseas that I could see myself living. Too bad the cost of living is so high.

I was really sad that we missed the guards at the palace. Chelci and I had plans to harass them. I did get pics of us stuffing an English phone booth, though, so I got half of what I had hoped for. 
We bought some souveniers for the kids and went to dinner at The Hard Rock Cafe. The food was great. It was the first time we had had ice in our drinks for about 12 days or so. I ordered nachos and Joey ordered fajitas. We had been craving mexican food and this was the closest we would come until we get back to Arizona. 

I really had the best time just strolling through the city, hand in hand with Joey. We had been so busy ministering on the trip that we hadn't had much time together. 

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